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T-Shirts and Concert Recording!

Hello everyone!

As you may know, our first ever concert "Prologue"—set to hit the stage on October 7th, 2023, at the Alvas Showroom in San Pedro—has sold out! Thank you to everyone who has purchased a ticket; we're excited to show you what we've been working on.

However, if weren't able to secure a ticket but are still hoping to watch and support: we have a solution for you...

While Prota has been hard at work to make "Prologue" come to life, there are still many expenses to be covered including the concert venue, staffing, studio rentals for rehearsals, and drum rentals. To help cover these costs, we ask you for donations via Venmo in exchange for some sweet incentives!


Follow this link to the Donation Form:

🎥 With a donation of $5 or more, we will email you early access to the recording (VOD) of our concert for your streaming pleasure appx. a week after the actual show! It will be available online for a month.

👕 For $25 or more, we are also offering T-shirts designed by the amazing Isaac Lee for pick-up at the concert or locally from a Prota member! Limited availability, so pre-order quickly!

Thank you very much for all your support!

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Updated Feb 2021

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